Saturday, January 6, 2018

Vineyard, Winery, Wine Industry Finance - INTERNATIONAL

Vineyard, Winery, Wine Industry Finance - INTERNATIONAL

Vineyard, Winery, Wine Industry Finance Worldwide

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Vineyard, Winery, and Wine Industry Finance


Financing Distillery, Brewery, and Restaurant Franchise

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★★★ The United OPEC Banks And "Shining Financial Solutions"

★★★ You Have More Power Than You Think With:

★★★ Our Award-Winning & Matchless Financing Programs;

★★★ Unrivalled Breadth & Depth of Knowledge Across an Impressive Range of Industries;

★★★ And Most Importantly, Our Legendary Guaranteed Lowest Interest Rates To Help You To Tackle Your Toughest Business Challenges and Embrace its Greatest Opportunities.

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About United OPEC Banks International

Immerse yourself in a glamorous world of unique financing programs and guaranteed lowest interest rates.

Photo Below: Viñas Casa Don Pedro Vineyards' Expansion Project

Upon the disbursement of financing being processed by the United OPEC Banks, the Viñas Casa Don Pedro Company
will expand and acquire prime vineyard properties in Puente Alto, on the south-east border of Santiago, the capital of Chile, along the Northern bank of the Maipo River in the foothills of the Andes Mountains.

Like many other fine projects, the expansion of the Viñas Casa Don Pedro Wines & Vineyards
will be fully financed by the United OPEC Banks.


Viñas Casa Don Pedro Wines & Vineyards' Expansion Project
Expansion Fully Financed By The United OPEC Banks


Financing Vineyards and Wine Industry Projects

From a banker's perspective, financing vineyards can generally be categorized as high-risk or low-risk, with risk depending on whether the grapes are owned or contracted with the world's largest wine companies.

Our committed loan experts are focused on financing options tailored to the wine industry, so more of your much-needed cash stays in your pocket.

You can use funds for expansion, acquisition, equipment purchases, construction, refinancing, succession planning and more. Our winery and vineyard finance solutions will be customized to fit your wine business.

Experts at the United OPEC Banks' Wine Industry and Vineyard Projects Finance Division, have an unparalleled appreciation for the rewards that winemaking offers, as well as the challenges you face.

Our long-standing relationships with the wine industry - along with our exclusive research, benchmarking and brand-building services, allow us to provide unique financing programs for managing and accelerating your growth.

For Vineyards

 ••• Vineyard acquisition;
 ••• Vineyard development;
 ••• Re-planting/redevelopment;
 ••• Seasonal crop lines of credit;
 ••• Long-term real estate purchases;
 ••• Equipment loans;
 ••• Debt restructuring;
 ••• General working lines of credit.

For Wineries

 ••• Inventory and accounts receivable financing;
 ••• General working capital lines of credit;
 ••• Winery acquisition;
 ••• Winery construction and upgrades;
 ••• Vineyard acquisition;
 ••• Short- and long-term real estate loans;
 ••• Equipment financing;
 ••• Buyouts and recapitalizations.


Types of Financing and Interest Rates:

Vineyard, Winery, and Wine Industry Project

★★★ Lines of Credit and Bank Guarantees;
★★★ Our fixed-rate loans are only ¼% above LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) for permanent financing of projects.
★★★ Our variable-rate financing is only ½% above the European Central Bank preferential interest rate.


Profit From Our Unmatched Financing Programs and GUARANTEED LOWEST INTEREST RATES

We offer Global Vineyards, Wineries, Breweries, and Distilleries our unmatched financing programs, guaranteed lowest interest rates, unsurpassed capabilities, and unlimited resources - helping them to create competitive advantages.


★★★ Highlights


★★★ NO accrued interest until project is completed;
★★★ NO hidden application, processing, or disbursement fees;
★★★ NO principle payments due until project is completed;
★★★ NO ownership or equity ownership by lenders;
★★★ Interest-only basis during the developmental phase of your project;
★★★ United OPEC Banks can accommodate large funding projects of any dollar value;
★★★ Single source financing;
★★★ Flexible payment terms;
★★★ Up to 100% Financing;
★★★ Financing from US$5 million up to NO LIMIT.

Wine Industry & Vineyard Project Finance

Financing World's Most Celebrated Wines, Vineyard, Winery, Breweries, Distilleries, Liquor Stores & Restaurant Franchises, Super Markets, Food Industry, Food Processing Plants, Hotels, Resorts, Farm, Dairy Farm, Food and Beverage Industry Projects from US$5,000,000 up to NO LIMIT -- Always Enhanced by our Traditional:

And Attractive Terms

Another Mega Vineyard Project Being Financed By:
The United OPEC Banks


Viñas Casa Don Pedro Expansion Project
Casablanca Valley, Chile

Viñas Casa Don Pedro Company's
Expansion Project

Following the release of financing under review by the United World Banks, the Viñas Casa Don Pedro Company will expand and purchase 40,000 acres of prime vineyard properties in the Casablanca Valley and valleys of Biobío, Cauquenes (Maule) and Limarí.

Given the Valley's location at 33°S (much closer to the Equator than any European vineyard), viticulture here is the best, largely because of the oceanic influence which brings cool morning fog and greater cloud cover not found elsewhere in Chile.

The winery will be eco-friendly, as goats, sheep and alpaca llamas will control the insect population among the vines, thus eliminating the need for pesticides.

As for the wine, white wines will go through a double-selection process, where only women (for their focus and attention to detail) will choose which grapes will make it into the batch.

Red wine will be produced from the entire grape (skin, juice, etc.), while white wine is only juice from the fruit, and must be pressed and temperature-controlled in very specific ways.

One result- a crisp, nearly-clear Sauvignon Blanc that will be refreshing and bright.

Financing Granted By:
The United OPEC Banks

Click Here For Full Financing Details


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